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Key Stage One

In KS1 we focus on Literacy and Numeracy in mornings with discrete lessons in these subjects. We focus on developing the skills they need which are appropriate to their age, ability and progression.




We follow the Letters and Sounds guidance for the teaching of phonics. The children are grouped by ability for a daily 25-minute phonics session, using a range of resources and supplementary ICT resources. Children have access to a wide range of reading material. Our core reading scheme is Oxford Reading Tree which includes fiction, poetry and non-fiction books. This is supplemented by books from the Storyworlds and Rigby Rockets schemes, as well as 'real books'. Once the children reach a certain level of attainment they move on to the 'Accelerated Reading' programme which allows them to take reading comprehension tests online and earn rewards.


Have a look at some handouts below which may help you to support your child at home.

If you require any information from this website in a different form or language please contact the School.

This service is provided free of charge.


School Road,
East Ruston,
NR12 9JD

East Ruston Infant School & Nursery is part of Broad Horizons Education Trust

St Clements Hill, Norwich, NR3 4BX. Tel:01603 937303

 Company number: 08282834 (registered in England and Wales)



01692 650225

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